Tuesday 6 May 2014

sleep is highly overrated xx

Sleep is highly overrated is a common saying of my youngest son, its only recently I have come to realise this is a symptom of PDA and not bad parenting! at the moment we are doing a 22/6 hour sleep pattern, and last few days both son and daughter have been in nocturnal mode! both have different reasons for not sleeping. Ainsleys body clock seems to run on a stretched out day where he stays awake about 18-22 hours and sleeps between 4 and 12 hours. he slept from 9am to 5 pm yesterday and then has been awake since. since he has got older, and I have stopped fussing he , on the whole , is happy to sit quietly in his room with his headphones on playing on his PC when awake at night, but last night he fussed, he spent half the night fussing with his door, then a good deal testing out the squeaky floorboard he has discovered outside my bedroom door, when this fails he finds some excuse to come a discuss something "important" with me. what he really wants is some attention, it an be boring during the night! what he really wanted last night was for me to come downstairs and cook him a meal, well its 8.30am and he is still waiting, but wants burgers for breakfast, how long can I resist! Kathryn, on the other hand, doesn't sleep at night because the dark is scary. at 21 we should have overcome this, a light on makes no difference as she says its always going to be scary if its dark outside, only good thing with summer here means light mornings so she goes to sleep about 5am! she also has to sleep with her ipod on the same cycle of two tunes she has listened to at bedtime for over 5 years, these are classical tracks from the transformers movie! and build up to a crescendo before quieting down again then building again, this has to be on the whole time she sleeps, if interrupted, like by a brief power cut yesterday morning, she wakes and doesn't sleep until the next morning. all this lack of sleep means "normal" life is very difficult, I would love to go out for a day trip somewhere with at least one for company , even with all the accompanied panic of being out side and being near scary people, but I feel tied to the home or the near vicinity, because if either awakes when I am not here panic results, also if one is awake, normally ainsley, he cannot resist waking his sister and with both having violent outbursts its easy to picture a bloodied mess if I am not around!

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