Wednesday 30 April 2014


well I have decided again to try and keep a record of caring and being a mum. I am in a super stressed zone at the moment and don't know what the future holds. but who care for one. I am sole carer for 3 of my 4 adult children. my 23 year old son, he lives nearby but has mental health issues. today I found out his nightmares were getting worse, his distress was getting on top of him and he was cracking up once again. there is no one I can turn to when I have to put 110% energy into caring for him, I just have to take it all, and more on board, from the ranting and raving when he needs a verbal punchbag up to the time of clearing up the tears and calming down when he fails in a suicide attempt. then there's my 21 year old daughter, she doesn't "do" people, she doesn't "do" bugs, she doesn't "do" life. she does do teddies, watching anime, lining her stuff up in rows, not chewing food, not liking sheets and bedding only soft clothes, not liking everyday smells, that make her vomit. finally my 16 year old who has an ideal of life is to stay in his room and not see another person other than me, for life. as long as he has his fleecy blankets, his inside out socks and his mushy microwave crap, and his PC, he is content, take him out of his comfort zone and he can't cope, flips or shuts down and loses bowel control. and yes its up to me to hold it all together.

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